Saturday, 16 June 2007

Chest, Heart & Stroke Scotland

On the 28th June, Ally Love will be raising money for this very worthy cause. Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland aims to improve the quality of life for people in Scotland affected by chest, heart and stroke illness through medical research, advice and information, and support in the community.

CHSS is one of Scotland's leading medical charities. Coronary heart disease is our biggest killer. Stroke is the main cause of disability in the community. Chest illnesses of various kinds are the biggest single reason for using the health service.

They fund research into all aspects of the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and the social impact of chest, heart and stroke illness. Their current programme is worth more than £1 million.

CHSS provides care and support throughout Scotland for people affected by these conditions, including family and other carers.

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